Friday, September 28, 2007

What Moldy Food Should You Discard?

Having an argument with yourself while ducked into the refrigerator on what you should have for breakfast, lunch, or dinner is a common occurrence if you have a full refrigerator, but something that is just as common is arguing with yourself over what you should do with an item in the fridge that has a little mold growing on it. Mold grows on a lot of things in the fridge, but we do not always know which items are safe to remove the mold from and keep. What do you do if you find something in your refrigerator that has mold on it? Well, it just depends on what the food is that you are talking about.

Mold grows on everything in the fridge eventually and that is just a fact that we have to live with. Food will not keep forever, no matter how well you try to preserve it most of the time. Jars of jellies, jams, marmalades, and preserves are among the worst offenders when it comes to mold growing on them in the fridge. These are items that you should throw away if you discover mold growing inside the jar, because since they are soft items, the “threads” of mold can reach throughout it and contaminate the entire jar. Throw these away.

Fruits and vegetables need to be checked carefully on a regular basis once you get them home and taken out of the plastic bags that you collect them in when you are at the grocery store. Condensation builds up in these bags and will cause mold to grow. One contaminated fruit will cause anything else it is touching to become infected, as well. Throw any contaminated fruits and vegetables away and wash anything it was touching that does not appear to be contaminated.

Anything in your fridge that has a high amount of moisture in it should be discarded after mold is seen growing on it, because it can contaminate the entire item very easily. Dense items like hard salami or blocks of cheese can simply have the moldy areas cut out (as long as it is an inch around and under the molded area) and these will be fine to consume afterward.

Any baked goods such as bread or cake should be discarded if mold is growing on them. These are porous surfaces and can possibly be contaminated beyond the surface.

Soft cheeses, yogurts, casseroles, hot dogs, lunch meat, and etcetera need to be discarded after old is seen growing upon them. These items tend to have a high content of moisture and will probably be contaminated throughout their entire depth.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Water Damage Restoration and other states such as
New Jersey Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Tips to Prevent Water Damage at Home

Water damage occurs most commonly in the bathroom and in the kitchen, but most of the time this damage can be prevented if a few simple measures are taken on a regular basis. Water damage is not only unsightly because it tends to discolor things in your house such as the drywall or the floor, but it also damages the internal structure, as well. Drywall that absorbs too much water will eventually begin to sag due to the weight and the paper on the drywall will become detached.

The kitchen and the bathroom are the two rooms that can add the most value to your home if you choose to sell it, so keeping them in good condition is crucial if a house you purchase is simply an investment. Even if it is not just an investment, keeping these two rooms in good condition is a good idea to keep the quality of life in your home at a good basic level.

Having a vent located in the bathroom and in the kitchen over the stove is necessary to help prevent water damage to the ceiling and upper parts of the walls. You will see these vents located in the bathrooms of most motels and hotels these days, in an effort to protect the room from water damage. Most commercial properties that have bathrooms with showers have these vents because they realize that this is necessary to make their property last as long as possible. If steam has nowhere to go, mold will also begin to grow on the ceiling and walls over time and having that removed is a whole other problem.

Plumbing in your kitchen or bathroom should be inspected often, as well. Even leaks that are only small drips can cause water damage and especially mold growth over time.

Toilets and bathtubs should be allowed to overflow as little as possible, especially in bathrooms that have carpet installed instead of tile or even carpet installed over tile. Tile floors should be completely sealed by caulking to be sure that water does not get to the floor boards underneath.

Water damage and mold can be prevented in the bathroom closet if wet items are not left on the floor. Mold can start to grow as little as 24 hours after a wet item is abandoned and this mold will contaminate any other clothes that are thrown on top of it.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Tips To Protect Your Family And Food From Mold

What is the most important major appliance in your house? Most people would probably say their refrigerator and I would probably agree, but do we really keep them clean as often as we should..? The fact is that refrigerators are not kept as clean by busy families as they should be in order to keep a healthy household. Leftovers are put in the fridge and often get left there for days or something even weeks at a time before finally being thrown away after they have gotten spoiled. Liquids get spilled, frozen foods are left to thaw on the shelves, and just general mess gets left everywhere. A refrigerator might be cleaned out once every 4 or 5 months by a busy family, but if you keep a watch on the items in your refrigerator and the messes plaguing its shelves, you will not have to do this very often.

Look around in your refrigerator and figure out what is outdated and spoiled. If you keep jelly or jam, you probably know that these get molded after a while, either on the top of the food itself or on the inside of the lids. These soft items and other things like yogurt, sour cream, soft cheeses, individually sliced cheeses, and just generally anything with a high moisture content need to be thrown away. The entirety of the food will probably be completely contaminated with mold even though it might only appear to be on the surface of the food.

If you bring fruit or vegetables home from the grocery store and just chuck the plastic bags they’re inside into your produce drawer like that, you’ll probably end up with some moldy and rotted fruit not too long after. What happens in this situation is that condensation builds up inside the bag and mold starts to grow on anything inside it. Just take the fruits and vegetables out of the bags and make sure that none of the fruit already have mold growing on them. If they do, throw them out and wash anything that was in close proximity to it.

If you see any eggs that are cracked in the carton, these need to be thrown away, too. Bacteria growing on the outside of the egg will get inside and contaminate it.

If mold starts growing on a block of cheese, what you should do is take a knife and cut around and under the moldy spot on the block and remove it. Don’t touch the knife to other parts of the cheese to avoid cross-contamination.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration New Jersey and and other states such as
Connecticut Water Damage Restoration companies across the united states.

Preventing Mold When Home-Canning

Odds are fairly good that if you have a vegetable garden or any fruit trees in your yard that you know how to go about canning these items so that you can have them year-round. Whether you can tomatoes so you will have them during the winter or pickle cucumbers, growing our own food and preserving it at home has been commonplace in American culture for a very long time. Pickles, jams, jellies, marmalades, soups, or chutneys have been being made in homes across the country and the world for quite a while and it is still going on today because some people prefer home-made goods to their commercial counterparts.

There are benefits to both growing and canning your own food at home, even though a process that is similar is used by commercial food canners worldwide. One benefit is that you have the knowledge of just how sterile the equipment being used to preserve your food is. You know how clean the items are that you are using to can your food. When you purchase these items in a store, you do not know whether the equipment used was clean or not. You also have the benefit of knowing what pesticides, if any, were used on the fruits and vegetables that you are preserving. You do not have to be exposed to more pesticides and chemicals than you would use to protect your own garden from insects and different kinds of rodents.

One problem with home-canning, though, is that if it is not done properly, mold can start to grow inside the jars of food that you thought that you were preserving so well. Mold grows in everything that is preserved eventually, anyway, but it can occur much sooner if the food that you can in your kitchen is not properly preserved. Most home-canning guides suggest that you date everything you can and use it within a year to avoid spoilage.

Mold-contaminated jars can be a problem, but you can avoid this problem most of the time by making sure the equipment that you use is sterile. You can sterilize glass jars by filling them and your canning pot with hot water (not boiling) and bringing the pot to a slow boil for around 10 minutes. This should effectively remove all microbes and spores from the water.

Any food you can should be washed and thoroughly inspected. Questionable items should not be canned, but thrown away.

Food should also be packed loosely in the jars so that the food inside can be completely heated throughout. If the temperature does not get high enough, it will not be completely sterilized. Mold spores, bacteria, and yeast can continue to grow even in high temperatures.

Jim Corkern is a writer and respected contributor to the Water damage restoration and mold remediation Industry. Visit his sites for more information.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Personal Protective Equipment for Mold Repair Jobs

When you are needing to kill and remove mold from your household, you will want and need equipment that will both make the job easier and help protect you from the dangers of mold exposure. You might feel as though you have been exposed to the mold living in your home for quite a while now and that it probably will not do you much more damage to just go through the remediation without any safety equipment, but you will be wrong about that. The mold spores in your home have not been stirred up nearly as much as they are about to be and if you are planning on performing any invasive procedures in order to get rid of the mold in your walls or in your ceiling, then the mold spore levels in your home’s air will absolutely skyrocket.

One of the first things you are going to want to purchase is a respirator of some kind. There are about three different general types that you can purchase and the respirator is the most important piece of equipment that you can buy for a mold remediation job. This is because the mold spores are in the very air that you breathe and even though gloves and protective clothing are also important, you have a fair amount of control of whether or not the mold comes into direct contact with your skin. Unless you have an allergy to the mold and require that it not get on your skin, the respirator is most important. However, if you have an allergy to mold, you should not be doing this job yourself in the first place.

An N-95 respirator is the basic respirator you will want if you are not planning on tearing apart any drywall or contaminated wallpaper. This will block about 95 percent of mold spores, dirt, and etcetera from entering your respiratory system.

If you want an extra level of protection, consider getting a half or even full-faced air purifying respirator. The good thing about these is that they do not require any training like the next level of respirator will.

Powered air purifying respirators require training and must be used following the regulations of OSHA.

Protective clothing should also be worn during the job. This can include a protective body suit, rubber gloves, and shoe coverings will be necessary, preferably made of a breathable material such as TYVEK. You should purchase a roll of tape, such as masking or duct tape, and wrap it around your wrists and ankles where there are gaps in your protective suit.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration chicago and other states such as
South Carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.

Mold Remediation Respirators

When you are working on killing or removing the mold from a building, the equipment that you will need to safely do this job can vary just a bit, depending on the size of the area you are trying to treat. You might just need some cloths, mold killing chemicals, rubber gloves, and a light respirator if it is just a surface infection like on a countertop or on a vinyl floor. But, if you are planning on tearing out any drywall and getting to an infection that exists inside your walls or ceiling, then you will need some protection equipment that is just a bit more extensive. There are different levels of protection equipment just as there are different levels of mold infestations and there are a few things that you need to know about respirators.

No matter what level mold infestation you are dealing with getting rid of, you will need an N-95 type respirator. This is about the minimum level of protection that you can use and the next level down would be using none at all; this is, of course not advised. When you are cleaning, mold spores are stirred up into the air, especially if you are taking out drywall or removing contaminated wallpaper, so even if you have been living in a contaminated household for a while, the risk you are taking by not using a respirator when you are getting rid of it is considerable. You can find this kind of respirator in most hardware and even some department stores.

Air purifying respirators are the next step up in protection and these always have HEPA filters in them. These filter out almost all particles that you are breathing in while you are working. This kind of respirator does not protect your eyes and are available in half face and full face kinds. The best thing about this kind of respirator is not only the HEPA filter, but also the fact that using this kind does not require any training. The next step in protection does.

The highest level of breathing protection will come from a powered air purifying respirator. These also come equipped with HEPA filters, but require electricity and some training in order to be able to use them. OSHA guidelines must also be followed to the letter if you are planning on using these respirators in a commercial setting.

All respirators must be approved for usage by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New Jersey mold damage restoration and other states and cities such as
Connecticut mold remediation companies across the united states.

Mold Dogs are Unprofessional

When you go to hire a professional company that deals with mold contaminations, there are a few different things that you need to look for to determine whether or not the company is actually professional or not. Do they use the most modern methods of mold detection and cleaning? Do they wear protective gear? What kind of gear do they wear? Body suits? Respirators? And this is perhaps one of the most important questions of all: do they use animals to detect the presence of mold in your home?

The simple fact is that companies that use dogs to detect mold in a home or business are not professionals. They just are not. The practice of using dogs to detect mold in a home or in another building is inhumane and cruel to the animal, simply because of the knowledge that pets are just as susceptible to health damage due to mold as human beings are. A “mold dog” cannot detect whether or not the mold that exists in your home is toxic, what kind of mold it is, or in what quantity that it may exist. This is what mold laboratories and testing kits are for. All a mold dog can do is tell you if mold exists on the premises or not.

It can cost thousands of dollars for a company to have a dog trained to detect mold, but even after the dog is trained, it is almost surely money thrown down the drain. Dogs are trained to actively inhale mold spores, which is something that we as human beings are repeatedly told NEVER to do. We are told to wear respirators to filter these harmful spores out of the air that we breathe when we are dealing with mold. The animal is not aware that these spores can harm them at all. Dogs can develop severe skin, eye, and sinus infections and not to mention lung infections and even pneumonia. Unfortunately, the dog has no way of telling us that something is wrong with it. It knows, but cannot communicate this to us.

There are many other more modern, more professional ways to deal with the task of detecting mold on a piece of property. Any company that uses mold to detect dogs is not one that you want to deal with. Mold dog websites often have pictures of completely healthy animals and they will remain healthy for a while, but the typical cause of death is due to mold-related health complications.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
New Jersey mold damage restoration and other states and cities such as
Connecticut mold remediation companies across the united states. (1)

Mold Causes Valley Fever in the Southwest

There is a mold that exists in the southwestern United States, different areas of South America, and the deserts of Mexico that the majority of people are not aware of when they visit the area. The people the most at risk for coming into contact with this mold are construction workers and archeologists, because they dig around in the soil where this mold tends to be found. What is it called and just how dangerous is it really?

Coccidioides immitis causes a skin disease that has been referred to as “Valley Fever” by some, but as Coccidioidomycosis to physicians. The features of this skin disease are typically rashes, coughing, myalgia, rashes, and headaches. Myalgia is synonymous with “muscle pain” and this can be a sign or symptom of many other different kinds of diseases, not just Valley Fever. The usual cause of myalgia is the over-use of a specific muscle or possibly an entire set of muscles. If a person does not have a medical history of overworking or accidents, then the myalgia is probably being caused by a bacterial or even a viral infection. If it is present in a person chronically, then it could possibly be a sign of some deficiency in the person’s nutrition.

The disease is known to be endemic in the states of New Mexico, California, and Arizona.

The most common cause of C. immitis exposure is due to the digging or disturbing of soil that has been contaminated. For the mold spores to get into the air and allow you to inhale them, this contaminated soil typically needs to be wet and recently, in order for archeologists to be able to dig in soil in the southwestern United States, they have ordered the soil be saturated with water first to avoid this exposure. This has been put into practice not only with archeologists, but also any other occupation that involves digging into the soil. Soil can also be stirred up due to natural disasters such as earthquakes or dust storms.

Those at the risk for developing the most serious aspects of the disease can include those who are pregnant and in their third trimester, African Americans, Asians, and anyone with a weakened immune system, such as those who have HIV or AIDS. Severe pulmonary disease could develop in these individuals in addition to the skin rashes, fever, and other symptoms that are associated with Valley Fever.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
flood water damage restoration chicago and other states such as
South Carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.

Dangerous Mold in the Desert

It might not have occurred to you, but mold can exist even in some of the hottest climates, such as parts of the southwestern United States. Just because this mold can exist there, however, does not mean that it is not a danger to human beings. People who live in the deserts of the southwestern U.S. might not think that they are in any danger from mold due to the high temperatures and lack of rain, but the fact is that these areas are in just as much danger of mold and water damage as areas that get more rain and have more life-friendly temperatures.

Coccidioides simmitis is a dangerous mold that lives in the western deserts of the United States and causes what has become known as “Valley Fever”. This is a skin disease that can lead to death if it is left untreated for long enough and while this mold is located in the deserts of the southwestern United States and even Mexico, it is oddly absent from the deserts of other continents such as Asia, Africa, and Australia.

The reason that mold damage can be a huge problem in areas of desert such as those of Arizona and New Mexico is that residents sometimes use “swamp heaters” to cool down their homes and offices during the most hot and dry parts of the year. Unfortunately, the downside to these will cause the indoor humidity to skyrocket and condensation ends up building on windows and any other cold surface. Leaks can also occur where water pipes flow upward to the coolers on the rooftops and this can cause water damage to attics, ceilings, and walls.

Water and air conditioning are very important in desert climates and so the possibility of air conditioning condensation leakage and plumbing leaks is pretty high. Air conditioners and fans are used almost constantly and in some places, hot water heaters are not needed during the majority of the year because the water is hot when it comes out of the faucet.

Most of the mold insurance claims in the deserts of the United States are caused by water damage, even though most people think that desert climates do not have enough moisture to cause mold to become an issue. With the presence of the mold that causes Valley Fever in the southwestern United States, if you live in a desert area, you should be extremely careful to make sure that water leaks in your home or business are taken care of very quickly and efficiently.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
North Carolina Sewage Damage Cleanup and other states such as
North Carolina mold remediation companies across the united states.